We are counselors, trial lawyers, mediators, and professional instructors.

LeeAnna Gainer Mask

Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner, L.L.P.

Phone: (512) 338-5322
Fax: (512) 338-5363
E-mail: [email protected]


LeeAnna Gainer Mask hails from insurance adjusting royalty. A native Austinite, her practice began at the dinner table over conversations with her father and grandfather, Bill and J.W. Gainer. Following her graduation from Texas Tech University School of Law, LeeAnna returned to Austin and worked with Harris & Harris for four years. In October 2000, she married a South Texas cowboy, and joined Adami, Goldman and Shuffield in San Antonio. Over the next 21 years, and through various name iterations, LeeAnna represented her clients across Texas in all facets of the workers’ compensation system, including benefit disputes, medical disputes and compliance matters. In February 2022, LeeAnna joined BAJB as a partner.

LeeAnna and her husband, Bryan, have a daughter and a son. When not following the kids in their extracurricular endeavors, including barrel racing, breakaway roping, football and golf, they enjoy the ranch life and Texas Tech athletics.


Texas Workers’ Compensation Law – Texas Board of Legal Specialization

Professional Affiliations:

State Bar of Texas
San Antonio Bar Association
State Bar of Texas, Workers’ Compensation Section, Secretary, 2013-2019
State Bar of Texas, Workers’ Compensation Section, Associate Editor, 2011-2013
State Bar of Texas, Workers’ Compensation Section, Vice-Chair for Carriers, 2009-2011
State Bar of Texas, Workers’ Compensation Section, Director, 2006-2009


  • Texas Tech University, J.D., 1996
  • Texas Tech University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1993


  • Partner, Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner, L.L.P., 2022
  • Partner, Adami Shuffield Mask, 2021-2022
  • Partner, Adami, Shuffield, Mask and Burns, 2020-2021
  • Partner, Adami, Shuffield, Scheihing and Burns, 2007-2020
  • Partner, Adami, Goldman and Shuffield, 2003-2007
  • Associate, Adami, Goldman and Shuffield, 2000-2003
  • Associate, Harris & Harris, 1996-2000


  • State Bar of Texas, 1996

Practice Areas