Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner, L.L.P.
Phone: (512) 338-5322
Fax: (512) 338-5363
E-mail: [email protected]
Since the “old law” days of the workers’ compensation system, Joe has used his sharp wit and attention to detail to win cases, often salvaging unpromising situations for his insured clients.
Since the inception of “new law” in 1991, Joe has been expanding the scope of his expertise to include representing insurance carriers before the Texas Department of Insurance Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC), and providing training to adjusters, employers and DWC ombudsmen across Texas. He has also proposed and drafted legislation for his clients.
As a founding partner of the firm, he enjoys the continued fast pace of attending to the details of leading and mentoring his team of “comp” attorneys as they solve their clients workers’ compensation issues.
Texas Workers’ Compensation Law – Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Professional Affiliations:
Advisory Commission for Board Certification in Workers’ Compensation Law
American Bar Association
Austin Bar Association
Austin Young Lawyers Association
College of the State Bar of Texas
Counsel on Litigation Management
Defense Research Institute
Fellow of the American Bar Foundation
Insurance Council of Texas-Appeals Panel Digest, Editor
State Bar of Texas, Advanced Workers’ Compensation CLE Course Planning Committee
State Bar of Texas, Chair Workers’ Compensation Section, 2011-2013
State Bar of Texas, Director Advanced Workers’ Compensation CLE Course Planning Committee, 2011-present
State Bar of Texas, Vice-Chair Employer/Insurance Carrier, Workers’ Compensation Law Section
State Bar of Texas, Vice-Chair Workers’ Compensation Section, 2009-2011
Texas Bar Foundation
Other Affiliations:
Get Out the Vote Campaign 2000
Member NAWCC
Vice-Chair Travis County Republican Party 2000-2002
GOTV Director TCRP 2000
Executive Director Travis County Victory 2002
Travis County Campaign Chairman Michael McCaul, Congressman CD 10, 2002
Publications & Seminars:
Return to Work: Clearing the Liability and Productivity Hurdles that Trip Up Even the Most Savvy of Employers, 1998;
When “It’s Not Fair” is Not Enough, 1998;
A Bi-Partisan Approach to Handling Workers’ Comp Claims, 1998;
MMI, Impairment and the 90 Day Rule, 1998;
Sufficiency of Controversion, 1998;
The Benefits Scheme, 1997 and 1998;
Psychiatric Claims under TWCA, 1997 and 1998;
Maintaining Control of Claims and Reducing Costs Through Aggressive Return to Work Policies for the 1997 Workers’ Compensation Update, sponsored by the Council on Education in Management;
Issues Regarding Recoupment and Salary Continuation, 1997 and 1998;
Understanding and Preventing Bad Faith Claims, 1997 and 1998;
Identifying Exceptions and Defense under TWCA, 1997 and 1998;
Troubleshooting in Contribution and SIBs Cases, 1997;
Defenses and Expectations the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act, 1996;
Identifying Potential Subrogation Claims, 1996;
Occupational Diseases under the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act, 1996 and 1997;
Controversion of Claims, Calculation and Suspension of Benefits under Texas Workers’ Compensation Act, 1996, 1997;
Disability Management and Workers’ Compensation Law: Risk Reduction Through Integrated Management, 1996;
Calculation and Suspension of Benefits under the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act, 1996;
Special Issues Regarding Benefits under Texas Workers’ Compensation Act, 1995 and 1996;
Rules and Regulations of TWCC for Health Care Providers, 1995;
Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission Dispute Resolution Process, 1993;
How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Workers’ Compensation, 2009;
Defending & Adjusting Occupational Disease & Repetitive Trauma Injuries, 2012;
The Wonderful World of PLNs & Other Issues of Interest 2014;
Ethics and Morality in Claims Handling 2015;
Summer In The City…A Lovin’ Spoonful of Workers Compensation 2016;
Texas Workers’ Compensation Handbook: An Essential Everyday Guide, Rules and Statute Commentary 2017 Edition, Editor.